Archfiends: differenze tra le versioni

Da Miniature Fantasy.
Riga 1: Riga 1:
{| border="1" class="sortable"
{| border="1" class="sortable"
!#!!Number!!Model Name!!Cost!!Alignment!!Rarity  
|||1/60||[[Cleric of Lathander]]||LG||27||Uncommon
|||1/60||[[Champion of Yondalla]]||54||LG||R
|||2/60||[[Dalelands Militia]]||LG||7||Common
|||3/60||[[Gold Dwarf Fighter]]||LG||29||Uncommon
|||3/60||[[Dwarf Artificer]]||21||LG||U
|||4/60||[[Human Dragonslayer]]||LG||32||Uncommon
|||4/60||[[Dwarf Caver]]||24||LG||U
|||5/60||[[Large Silver Dragon]]||LG||122||Rare
|||5/60||[[Dwarf Phalanx Soldier]]||12||LG||U
|||6/60||[[Medium Earth Elemental]]||LG||13||Uncommon
|||6/60||[[Dwarf Samurai]]||32||LG||R
|||7/60||[[Paladin of Torm]]||LG||51||Rare
|||7/60||[[Gold Dragon]]||70||LG||R
|||8/60||[[Soldier of Cormyr]]||LG||11||Common
|||8/60||[[Skullclan Hunter]]||36||LG||U
|||9/60||[[Soldier of Thrane]]||20||LG||U
|||10/60||[[Mialee, Elf Wizard]]||LG/CG||6||Uncommon
|||10/60||[[Valorous Prince]]||48||LG||R
|||11/60||[[Warforged Wizard]]||19||LG||U
|||12/60||[[Champion of Eilistraee]]||CG||48||Rare
|||12/60||[[Whirling Steel Monk]]||30||LG||U
|||13/60||[[Cleric of Kord]]||CG||32||Uncommon
|||13/60||[[Celestial Dire Badger]]||9||LG/CG||C
|||14/60||[[Drizzt, Drow Ranger]]||CG||87||Rare
|||14/60||[[Catfolk Wilder]]||28||CG||U
|||15/60||[[Evermeet Wizard]]||CG||39||Uncommon
|||15/60||[[Centaur Hero]]||78||CG||R
|||16/60||[[Graycloak Ranger]]||CG||15||Common
|||16/60||[[Dark Traveler]]||43||CG||U
|||17/60||[[Halfling Ranger]]||CG||23||Uncommon
|||17/60||[[Dragonblade Ninja]]||26||CG||U
|||18/60||[[Halfling Wizard]]||CG||19||Uncommon
|||18/60||[[Goliath Barbarian]]||31||CG||R
|||19/60||[[Ialdabode, Human Psion]]||CG||5||Uncommon
|||19/60||[[Greenfang Druid]]||50||CG||R
|||20/60||[[Moon Elf Fighter]]||CG||49||Uncommon
|||21/60||[[Ragnara, Psychic Warrior]]||CG||7||Uncommon
|||22/60||[[Rask, Half-Orc Chainfighter]]||52||CG||R
|||23/60||[[Renegade Warlock]]||30||CG||U
|||24/60||[[Undying Soldier]]||12||CG||U
|||25/60||[[Clay Golem]]||CG/CE||56||Rare
|||25/60||[[Voice of Battle]]||29||CG||U
|||26/60||[[Half-Orc Barbarian]]||CG/CE||12||Uncommon
|||26/60||[[Dire Bear]]||44||Any||U
|||27/60||[[Timber Wolf]]||5||Any||C
|||28/60||[[Aspect of Bane]]||LE||106||Rare
|||28/60||[[Giant Frog]]||10||CG/CE||C
|||29/60||[[Bone Devil]]||LE||74||Rare
|||29/60||[[Wood Woad]]||15||CG/CE||U
|||30/60||[[Dark Moon Monk]]||LE||15||Uncommon
|||30/60||[[Ambush Drake]]||58||LE||R
|||31/60||[[Dread Guard]]||LE||14||Common
|||31/60||[[Aspect of Nerull]]||81||LE||R
|||32/60||[[Duergar Warrior]]||LE||4||Common
|||33/60||[[Death Knight]]||80||LE||R
|||34/60||[[Goblin Adept]]||10||LE||C
|||35/60||[[Human Cleric of Bane]]||LE||57||Rare
|||36/60||[[Grim Necromancer]]||35||LE||U
|||37/60||[[Red Wizard]]||LE||63||Rare
|||37/60||[[Kruthik Hatchling]]||10||LE||C
|||38/60||[[Snig the Axe]]||LE||20||Common
|||38/60||[[Large Blue Dragon]]||68||LE||R
|||39/60||[[Mummy Lord]]||77||LE||R
|||40/60||[[Zhentarim Fighter]]||LE||7||Common
|||40/60||[[Skeletal Dwarf]]||6||LE||C
|||41/60||[[Skullcrusher Ogre]]||31||LE||U
|||42/60||[[Ochre Jelly]]||LE/CE||19||Rare
|||43/60||[[Warrior Skeleton]]||LE/CE||3||Common
|||43/60||[[Spellstitched Hobgoblin Zombie]]||11||LE||C
|||44/60||[[Abyssal Eviscerator]]||CE||29||Uncommon
|||45/60||[[Aspect of Demogorgon]]||CE||101||Rare
|||45/60||[[Warpriest of Hextor]]||52||LE||R
|||46/60||[[Aspect of Lolth]]||CE||75||Rare
|||46/60||[[Bloodhulk Fighter]]||27||CE||U
|||47/60||[[Aspect of Orcus]]||CE||91||Rare
|||48/60||[[Cultist of the Dragon]]||CE||29||Common
|||48/60||[[Bullywug Thug]]||4||CE||C
|||49/60||[[Cursed Spirit]]||CE||11||Common
|||49/60||[[Burning Skeleton]]||13||CE||U
|||50/60||[[Drow Sergeant]]||CE||16||Uncommon
|||51/60||[[Githyanki Fighter]]||CE||35||Uncommon
|||52/60||[[Gnoll Archer]]||CE||7||Common
|||52/60||[[Ettin Skirmisher]]||40||CE||R
|||53/60||[[Hill Giant]]||CE||55||Rare
|||53/60||[[Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion]]||25||CE||R
|||54/60||[[Medium Fire Elemental]]||CE||11||Uncommon
|||54/60||[[Flind Captain]]||53||CE||U
|||55/60||[[Orc Champion]]||CE||39||Rare
|||55/60||[[Forest Troll]]||20||CE||U
|||56/60||[[Orc Raider]]||CE||12||Common
|||56/60||[[Kenku Sneak]]||6||CE||C
|||57/60||[[Vampire Aristocrat]]||CE||57||Rare
|||57/60||[[Orc Savage]]||7||CE||C
|||58/60||[[Ravenous Vampire]]||58||CE||R
|||59/60||[[Young Minotaur]]||CE||13||Uncommon
|||59/60||[[Vampire Spawn]]||23||CE||U
|||60/60||[[Yuan-Ti Pureblood]]||CE||11||Uncommon
|||60/60||[[Zombie White Dragon]]||37||CE||R

Versione delle 09:16, 18 apr 2013

# Number Model Name Cost Alignment Rarity
1/60 Champion of Yondalla 54 LG R
2/60 Couatl 42 LG R
3/60 Dwarf Artificer 21 LG U
4/60 Dwarf Caver 24 LG U
5/60 Dwarf Phalanx Soldier 12 LG U
6/60 Dwarf Samurai 32 LG R
7/60 Gold Dragon 70 LG R
8/60 Skullclan Hunter 36 LG U
9/60 Soldier of Thrane 20 LG U
10/60 Valorous Prince 48 LG R
11/60 Warforged Wizard 19 LG U
12/60 Whirling Steel Monk 30 LG U
13/60 Celestial Dire Badger 9 LG/CG C
14/60 Catfolk Wilder 28 CG U
15/60 Centaur Hero 78 CG R
16/60 Dark Traveler 43 CG U
17/60 Dragonblade Ninja 26 CG U
18/60 Goliath Barbarian 31 CG R
19/60 Greenfang Druid 50 CG R
20/60 Griffon 28 CG R
21/60 Ibixian 8 CG C
22/60 Rask, Half-Orc Chainfighter 52 CG R
23/60 Renegade Warlock 30 CG U
24/60 Undying Soldier 12 CG U
25/60 Voice of Battle 29 CG U
26/60 Dire Bear 44 Any U
27/60 Timber Wolf 5 Any C
28/60 Giant Frog 10 CG/CE C
29/60 Wood Woad 15 CG/CE U
30/60 Ambush Drake 58 LE R
31/60 Aspect of Nerull 81 LE R
32/60 Beholder 83 LE R
33/60 Death Knight 80 LE R
34/60 Goblin Adept 10 LE C
35/60 Grell 26 LE U
36/60 Grim Necromancer 35 LE U
37/60 Kruthik Hatchling 10 LE C
38/60 Large Blue Dragon 68 LE R
39/60 Mummy Lord 77 LE R
40/60 Skeletal Dwarf 6 LE C
41/60 Skullcrusher Ogre 31 LE U
42/60 Spectre 44 LE R
43/60 Spellstitched Hobgoblin Zombie 11 LE C
44/60 Thaskor 86 LE R
45/60 Warpriest of Hextor 52 LE R
46/60 Bloodhulk Fighter 27 CE U
47/60 Boneclaw 45 CE R
48/60 Bullywug Thug 4 CE C
49/60 Burning Skeleton 13 CE U
50/60 Deathlock 12 CE C
51/60 Dolgrim 10 CE U
52/60 Ettin Skirmisher 40 CE R
53/60 Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion 25 CE R
54/60 Flind Captain 53 CE U
55/60 Forest Troll 20 CE U
56/60 Kenku Sneak 6 CE C
57/60 Orc Savage 7 CE C
58/60 Ravenous Vampire 58 CE R
59/60 Vampire Spawn 23 CE U
60/60 Zombie White Dragon 37 CE R